We are very proud to announce the availability of our HVAC Operations Manual. This is the same type of manual that you might receive from an HVAC Franchise – at a fraction of the cost.
The Purpose
“The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.“ — John F. Kennedy |
An operations manual contains specific policies and procedures on how a particular business is managed on a day-to-day basis. Policies and procedures serve as the binding material to keep a business running and in particular as the business experiences growth, keep the business literally “glued together.”
You can think of this manual as your company’s “rule book” or “law book”. A company and its employees need a rule book just as a football team and its players need their rule book.
Policies and procedures provide three essential duties in a growing small business environment and these duties collapse into a convenient acronym to remember, ART.
- Accountability: Whose job duty is it to complete critical tasks and when will those tasks be completed?
- Reference: Serve as reference for the “how to’s” of business operations.
- Training: Provides training and orientation for new employees, saves owner/manager time explaining repeatedly ‘how to.’
Employees should be held accountable for well-defined duties that are priority to business operations. As the owner or general manager, your responsibility is to define those duties and when tasks are expected to be completed.
You should expect employees to be accountable for doing that which is expected and the best way to ensure there is no confusion is to have those duties defined in writing.
That is not to say small businesses do not attract great employees. They do and in today’s work environment have become more loyal than those employees in large corporations. But, employees still need direction and leadership. Your role as owner /manager is to ensure leadership is in place.
Policy and procedures serve as a critical reference tool for both new employees and veterans. It also prevents veterans from making rules up to accommodate the way they like tasks done. It keeps control in the hands of owner/manager rather than senior employees.
At a Glance
- 2650 Pages of MS Word 2007 Documents
- 159 Forms and Templates. 204 files in 107 Folders. 78 MB
- Fully Indexed. Just the Table of Contents Takes 85 Pages
- Approximately One Million Words
- Professionally Templated and Completely Editable
- Includes Everything Mentioned on These Slides and Much More
- Includes Flat Rate Pricing Books (several labor rates included)
- Over 500 pages of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
- $2500 One Time Fee. No Licensing Fees and No Royalties
- FREE Priority Order Processing
- FREE Ground Shipping via UPS
- One Year of FREE Updates and Additional Files
- Written Specifically for the HVAC Industry
12 Sections Included
Section 1: Legal Affairs
Section 2: Office, Building, and IT Management
Section 3: Bookkeeping and Accounting
Section 4: Human Resource Management (HR)
Section 5: Compensation and Payroll
Section 6: Scheduling and Field Management
Section 7: Inventory Management
Section 8: Marketing and Sales
Section 9: Health, Safety, and Security
Section 10: Credit and Collections
Section 11: Service Agreements
Professionally Formatted and 100% User Editable
The entire system is printed on heavy bright white paper. Each manual is presented in a binder so it is easy to edit pages and replace them as needed. Best of all, these professionally formatted documents are included on a CD in MS Word format and they follow all standard MS Word formatting conventions. The owner can open, modify, edit, and print any of these forms and documents as needed.
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