HVAC work, by its very nature, requires a significant number of mobile assets. Not only do you need the vehicles that your workers will drive to repair or construction sites, but you also need the equipment they will use to do their jobs and the equipment they will be selling to customers who need replacement or repair. Keeping tabs on all of these assets as they move about your community is overwhelming. That’s where asset tracking can help. Here are several key benefits of asset tracking for the modern HVAC company.
Reduce the Risk of Theft
Your company has invested thousands of dollars in your vehicles and other mobile equipment. Yet all it takes is one unscrupulous thief for that money to go down the drain. Since every job your company takes is at a mobile job site, you give potential thieves an excellent opportunity to take what you have invested in every time someone leaves your facility to go to a job.
Tracking your assets will ensure this does not happen, because it gives you the ability to know — at all times — where your vehicles and other mobile assets are with one quick glance at your tracking map. Should someone take them, you can provide the last-known GPS coordinates of your stolen equipment to law enforcement professionals who are helping you, thus improving your chances of getting the assets back.
Decrease Unauthorized Use
HVAC companies have a unique risk of unauthorized use, because HVAC professionals are constantly getting calls from friends and family asking them to take a look at their systems as a side job. Unauthorized use of your company’s equipment, which does not bring in any money to your company, is wasted money. The equipment will get more wear and tear, without any benefit to report. GPS tracking for assets ensures you know where your assets are 24/7, so you can put a stop to this common practice. Your employees, who know that the assets are tracked, will have an easier time saying no to these off-the-books requests.
Track Equipment Deliveries
If your HVAC company does not deliver equipment with the service providers, you can improve the efficiency of your operations by tracking equipment that is being delivered. This allows you to accurately predict the timing of your installation crew, while also providing improved customer service and delivery estimates.
Match Equipment to Employees
If your equipment is constantly rotating between employees, you need a way to know who has what and where your assets are located. Asset tracking provides this data. Depending on the system you choose and the way in which you use it, you can get details about who checked out a piece of equipment and where they took it, so you can better direct the use of your tools, installation equipment and retail products. This will streamline many aspects of your business, helping it run smoothly even during busy seasons — when equipment is leaving your facility at all times of the day.
Keeping tabs on equipment, employees, and vehicles can be a full-time occupation for the busy HVAC crew. Asset tracking can make that job easier. You’ve invested in this equipment to make your business successful. Now it’s time to invest a little more and ensure that you are able to protect that equipment to serve you well for years to come.
Robert J. Hall is President of Track Your Truck, a leader in vehicle satellite tracking for small and mid-sized companies.
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