The Best Bet for Eco Friendly Air Conditioners
By Mary Mattoon, Guest Writer
Air conditioners can actually be eco friendly. This is true when they consume energy that is around ten to fifty percent less compared to the other kinds of air conditioners. You will know if it is an eco friendly air conditioner, for it will have the Energy Star sticker.
This means it is approved by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Such a label informs consumers about the kind of product they buy so they know it is actually helping to lessen the amount of greenhouse emissions and other pollutants.
In eco friendly air conditioners, the fight is not about the best brand but rather to know what to watch out for in searching for the right eco friendly air conditioner for you.
Eco Friendly Ideas for You to Try
Homeowners can also take several steps in order to maximize the efficiency of their eco friendly and Energy Star approved air conditioner. First, you need to get one with the proper sizing.
This will depend on how many square feet will need to be cooled. Secondary considerations include how many people are living there the number of windows and doors, and which appliances are used. In all senses, it does not mean that the bigger your air conditioner the better it is.
Maintenance also plays a big part, and homeowners need to ensure routine and proper care for their air conditioner. Replacing the filter regularly is important, as well as yearly servicing to keep your unit operating at maximum efficiency.
Likewise, the thermostat settings will determine what the level of comfort is. Ideally, you ought to have the same kind of temperature for the entire year. The recommended settings for this are at seventy eight degrees. If your setting is high, then the harder it is for the air conditioner to do its job.
Ceiling fans also come into play and helps the air conditioner operate easier. Ceiling fans do a lot to distribute the cool air all around the room. These are neat helpers because they require less energy to operate so they will not have such a big impact in the energy consumption of your home.
Shading also comes into play. Keep your shades down to block out the excess sunlight as well as heat. You can also plant trees as well as other plants all around the home, which will add extra shading. Your outside air conditioner ought to be shaded, too, since it will get around six degrees cooler that way. These are all great ways to keep your Energy Star air con working properly.
About the Author
Mary Mattoon writes for the residential air conditioning blog. Her personal hobby blog focused on tips to consume less energy using home air conditioning systems.
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